Talent Canada
Talent Canada

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Walmart Canada hiring 10,000, accelerating bonus payments to staff

March 23, 2020
By Talent Canada Staff

Walmart is on a hiring spree in Canada – looking to add 10,000 employees to help ease the crunch at its stores and throughout the supply chain.

“We want to immediately hire 10,000 more associates in our stores and distribution centres,” said Horacio Barbeito, president and CEO of Walmart Canada. “There’s a lot of work and we need you.”

In a statement to customers, Walmart said its stores will remain open and it is dedicating the first hour of shopping “exclusively for seniors, the disabled and those with vulnerable health conditions.”

“These are uncertain times for our business and many of you,” said Barbeito. “But it’s also brought out the best in our 90,000 associates.”


Online medical care for workers

Walmart also said it’s offering access to live online physician care for all of its Canadian employees.

“And we’re accelerating our store associate annual bonus payments to recognize their hard work,” said Barbeito.

$1 million donation


The company said it is donating $1 million to its charity partners, and the Walmart Foundation was adding another $1 million to help “our most vulnerable Canadians.”

That includes a $500,000 donation to Food Banks Canada. Food banks have been hit hard by the shortages at a time they are also seeing increased demand. The Canadian Red Cross is also receiving $500,000 to support domestic relief and recovery operations.


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