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Survey reveals universal benefits of genuine DEI policies

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July 22, 2024
By Brandi Cowen

When employees view DEI policies as genuine, they are six times more likely to say their organization is fair and 74 per cent less likely to experience discrimination, according to new global research from Catalyst.

The global non-profit, which promotes gender equity and workplace inclusion, surveyed 2,572 employees across eight countries to gain insights into what makes genuine and effective diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies within today’s organizations.

The survey found that six actions drive authentic DEI policies and help employees view their workplace DEI policies as genuine:

  1. Communicate a fairness case for diversity that justifies the company’s actions as the right thing to do.
  2. Build accountability through systems that increase responsibility for meeting DEI goals.
  3. Act with integrity by following through on promises and enacting their values.
  4. Ensure alignment of DEI efforts to their mission and values.
  5. Create transparency through sharing information with stakeholders regarding DEI policies and practices.
  6. Prevent a climate of silence where employees are discouraged from speaking about workplace issues.

“In the current climate where DEI efforts are increasingly scrutinized and politicized, this research shows that organizations cannot hide behind lacklustre actions to advance DEI,” said Julie Cafley, executive director of Catalyst Canda. “Employees see through performative policies and are willing to take their talent elsewhere when that is the case. They pay close attention to organizational behaviours that signal an authentic commitment to advancing DEI.”


The survey showed genuine DEI efforts are linked to increased fairness and reduced discrimination. They also elicit more support from dominant group members who are often less supportive of DEI efforts but whose support is integral as they tend to hold more powerful positions.

The survey also found employees from marginalized racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ employees and employees with disabilities are more likely to report encountering unfair treatment and discrimination, underscoring the need for genuine DEI policies.

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